--DB Main --GALLERY DATABASE NOTES: This is a database of display text for hotspots and areas. The delineation characters are as follows: £ - beginnning of database; ¶ - end of index, beginning of label; º - end of label, beginning of description; • - end of description, beginning of instructions; ^ - end of instructions, beginning of next data record. For the purpose of locating specific lines, no blank lines are to exist in the database. -- update: description text was moved to instruction text where there was no instruction text. £ 1,#QTVR,#FRAME,Gallery Bell ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 2,#QTVR,#PICT,GBELLPL.PIC ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 3,#QTVR,#FRAME,Gallery Edison ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 4,#QTVR,#PICT,GEDISNPL.PIC ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 5,#QTVR,#FRAME,Gallery Watt ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 6,#QTVR,#PICT,GWATTPL.PIC ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 7,#QTVR,#FRAME,QUIT ¶ º Description: • Instructions: ^ 100,#QTVR,#TEXT,EDISON ¶ º Description: • Instructions: In order to explore the lab of Thomas Edison call 1-800-829-7962 or order from http://www.hminet.com. Also available from all good software stores. ^ 101,#QTVR,#TEXT,WATT ¶ º Description: • Instructions: In order to explore the lab of James Watt call 1-800-829-7962 or order from http://www.hminet.com. Also available from all good software stores. ^ 102,#QTVR,#TEXT,BELL ¶ º Description: • Instructions: In order to explore the lab of Alexander Graham Bell call 1-800-829-7962 or order from http://www.hminet.com. Also available from all good software stores. ^